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Heather S.

Learn how the Redefine team helped Heather manage her weight, so she could feel present for her children again.

May 13, 2021
Heather S. wearing a maroon leather jacket and smiling.

"My weight was causing me to miss out on moments with my children. I couldn't even sit on the floor and play with them. My children needed their mom. So I decided to find her. And my Redefine team showed me the way. Now, my children and I are learning how to live a healthy, active life ā€” together."

ā€” Heather S., Redefining quality time

What were your reasons for taking the leap to weight loss surgery?

For Christmas, my parents bought a trampoline for my children and after setting it up, my son said, "Come jump, mom." I saw the information tag on the trampoline confirming that I was over the weight limit then started crying. I didn't want to be on the sidelines of life ā€” I want to be in the game. I had to lose the weight so I can play with my children and be around for them. I took the leap for my children and myself so I can be present to experience everything.

What was the biggest life change for you after gastric sleeve surgery?

At my highest weight, I traveled with my family on a plane and had to ask for a seat belt extender. The fact that I was able to take a trip with my family without a seat belt extender and ride with my kids was a big change in my life.

Since surgery, what have you been most proud of?

Staying true to who I am. Even with my body changing, I am the same person.

If you could share one thing with a potential patient thinking about taking the leap to surgery, what would it be?

You will never look back and regret taking the leap to surgery. I gained so much weight that I could not wear my wedding ring. I regret not doing it sooner in life. The surgery changes your life entirely and you get to do the things you could not before like crossing my legs, tying my own shoes or wearing my wedding ring.

May 13, 2021

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